Editing update 2.0
I have a confession to make: I’ve shelved Elementals. I haven’t given up on it- I just had to set it aside until I can figure out how to make it work.
In the meantime, I have many NaNoWriMo novels written, so I decided to revise one called Sky Pirates of Faugregir (tentative title).
I wrote Sky Pirates of Faugregir during NaNoWriMo 2012. It’s a Steampunk novel that I have attempted to edit many times, and I have failed many times. But that was before I did research on how to edit- and revise.
I did my read-through, and had to giggle near the end.
“Speed Chapter?” I said out loud. “What does that mean?”
“Why are you asking me, you’re the one who wrote it…” my husband casually replied.
It turns out that I had apparently reached the 50,000 word goal well before finishing my novel, so I sped through the rest of it, basically as if I was simply writing a quick summary of the rest of the book. And the chapter after Speed Chapter was called Next Speed Chapter. Oh, my.
Needless to say, I’m currently fleshing out those two “chapters”. I have to keep reminding myself to just write. Revision and editing can come later.
What are you currently working on? Let me know!
For myself:
Gypsy at Heart (The Gypsy Chronicles book 1) by Ellen Dugan
For my son:
(in English): Bedtime Pop-Up Peekaboo by the DK publishing staff
(in French): Petites Histoires pour les Garçons by igloobooks