NaNoWriMo 2018
Well, NaNoWriMo 2018 is almost done, and I just surpassed my 50,000 word goal today.
It’s been an interesting month, that’s for sure.
My writing always starts out slow at the beginning of the month because I’m busy with my ML duties. Specifically, pairing people up into teams. This year, NaNo even started on a Thursday, which is the day that I manage a Write-In. Talk about busy! But I was able to catch back up on the 11th.
We had our Midway Madness event scheduled for November 17th, but I started feeling poorly on the evening of the 16th. I thought maybe I could sleep it off, but I literally woke up every 2 hours to run to the bathroom. A few hours before the event, that’s where it hit me pretty hard, and I had to get a hold of the other 2 Detroit MLs and tell them that, unfortunately, I would not be attending.
I thought that it was something that I ate (Taco Bell), but then my son fell ill 2 days later. Uh-oh… Looks like a 24-hour bug.
Even though it was only a 24-hour bug, it took me about 3-4 days to fully feel better… only to fall victim to a nasty cold. And then if that wasn’t enough, my husband (finally!) caught that stomach bug that had been going around, so I couldn’t get any writing done as I had to keep my son away from my husband.
Thank goodness for the Boot Camp event, yesterday!
Detroit’s Boot Camp event is pretty intense, and I had to apologize about a million times for my bad cough that lingered after my cold. I wore a mask, and everything. But I wrote very near ten thousand words during Boot Camp, which brought me to 49,114 words, and a very leisurely stroll to the finish line today.
Even though I have reached 50,000 words (50,328 to be precise), my novel is not yet complete, so I’m going to keep writing- if anything, at least to help my NaNo teammates win the Team Championship.
What did you accomplish this November? Let me know!